12 of the coolest classes at Temple
We’re not talking about the Chemistry of Wine—it is cool, but we’re pretty sure people who don’t even go here know about that class. We mean classes about Tupac. Michael Jackson. Going to concerts for class, studying ancient sports as war games and literally eating your way through required GenEds. Here are a dozen classes you won’t want to miss.

1. Ancient War Games: Sport and Spectacle in Greece and Rome
Satisfies GenEd Human Behavior requirement, Greek and Roman Classics 0829
The Olympics are based on the practices of ancient Greece. We assign Roman numerals to each Super Bowl. If you take this class, you’ll dig further into the history of ancient sports and how that influences sports today.
2. The Art of Listening
Satisfies GenEd Arts requirement, Music Studies 0802
No, your mom doesn’t teach this class. Here, you can learn how to really listen to music and think about the importance of music in your life and in the world. You’ll get your chops by attending live concerts in the area.
Additional fee: $100
3. The Creative Spirit: A Multidisciplinary View
Satisfies GenEd Arts requirement, Theater 0807
Figure out why creativity makes such a difference in your life, and the life of others. You’ll have the chance to go to performances, concerts and galleries and understand creativity in all of its forms.
Additional fee: $75
4. Disasters: Geology vs. Hollywood
Satisfies GenEd Science and Technology requirement, Science 0836
Hollywood loves a good disaster movie, and we have to admit, so do we. There’s something special about watching a Jeep successfully drive over flowing lava. What we love more is that this class will teach us if stuff like that can actually happen in real life.
5. Eating Cultures
Satisfies GenEd Human Behavior requirement, English 0837
What we eat says a lot about us, which really makes us wonder about those garbage-eating squirrels. In this course, you’ll use materials like cookbooks, food-based art and ads to explore how food influences nearly everything in our lives.
6. The Future of Your TV
Satisfies GenEd Arts requirement, Media Studies and Production 0821
TV is constantly changing, and here’s your opportunity to get in on the conversation and the creation of content. In small breakout groups, you’ll use what you learned in lectures to craft your own programming.
7. Mathematical Patterns
Satisfies GenEd Quantitative Literacy requirement, Math 0824
DON’T SCROLL PAST THIS ONE. This class is seriously math in the real world—something we thought our high school teachers were making up. News stories, everyday situations and puzzling vignettes will be used to illuminate basic math concepts.
8. Michael Jackson: Entertainer, Artist, Celebrity
Dance 1821
So, we know who Michael Jackson was, but do we know who he was??? Through American entertainment history, media and popular culture, and the politics of race, gender and sexuality, you will examine why he was such a cultural phenomenon.
9. The Philadelphia Dance Experience
Satisfies GenEd Global/World Society requirement, Dance 0827
This class will barely feel like class because you’ll be attending several live performances. You’ll learn to look at dance a little deeper and identify European, African, Asian and Latin influences, as well as interact with guest artists and observe performances on video.
Additional fee: $100
10. Philadelphia Sketchbook
Art 2001
The name of this course pretty much explains what you will be doing. Expect to visit historical sites and museums throughout the city and, well, draw! Sure, you will get drawing instruction, but you’ll also be encouraged to develop your own style.
Additional fee: $75
11. Politics of Identity in America
Satisfies GenEd Diversity and Race requirement, Political Science 0832
Personal identity influences so much—politics, how people treat each other, and how they think about each other. Learn about the significance of class, gender, race and sexual orientation and how those identities impact our daily lives.
12. Tupac Shakur and the Hip Hop Revolution
Africology and African American Studies 2111
Tupac is still selling millions of records, even after his death (is he really dead…?). This class dissects this artist’s influence on politics, poverty, race and more. Also, the rapping professor teaches this class, so obviously it’s going to be on point.
Not to brag, but most of our GenEd offerings are pretty cool. Check out the full list and be sure to explore all of your course options.
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