Fox School of Business

CEOs tend to overstay their welcome, new study finds
Type: News Story
New research from Temple's Fox School of Business examines why a longer CEO tenure might not always produce positive results. The findings suggest that the longer CEOs stay in power the likelier those executives are to limit outside sources of market and customer information, ultimately hurting firm performance.
January 7, 2014
Jobs' rare cancer allowed him to live longer
Type: In the Media
October 6, 2011
Flu vaccines a major shot in the arm for pharmacies
Type: In the Media
October 10, 2011
Temple Law's Peter Spiro on Alabama's immigration law
Type: In the Media
October 4, 2011
Buying in an expensive school district isn't the only option
Type: In the Media
September 30, 2011
As FEMA aid increases, experts warn of financial crisis
Type: In the Media
October 3, 2011
Fox School emphasizes entrepreneurship across disciplines
Type: In the Media
September 23, 2011
Fox receives high rankings for entrepreneurship
Type: In the Media
September 20, 2011
Risk professor’s Fringe production illuminates art-business connection
Type: News Story
A play written by Fox professor Patrick Gallagher recently ended a three-show run at the Philly Fringe Festival. Gallagher, an expert in employee health benefits, workers’ compensation and disability management, sees the infusion of arts and creativity as essential to success in the business world.
September 28, 2011
Constant flow of info interferes with decision-making
Type: In the Media
September 4, 2011
