Health Science Campus

Kornberg School gets $1.75 million gift to improve children’s dental access
Type: News Story
A $1.75 million gift to the Kornberg School of Dentistry from UnitedHealthcare and the United Healthcare Foundation will fund a new initiative designed to improve children’s access to oral health care. Project ENGAGE is a new health promotion system that will reach out to at-risk children and families to remove barriers to dental care.
February 19, 2013
Brain protein could control two major brain signatures in Alzheimer’s
Type: News Story
Studies led by Domenico Praticò, professor of pharmacology and microbiology and immunology in Temple’s School of Medicine, have found that controlling or inhibiting the brain enzyme 5-lipoxygenase could be a key to controlling the two proteins that are major brain pathological signatures for Alzheimer’s disease.
February 10, 2013
TU Advisory: Jan. 3 robbery west of Health Sciences campus
Type: Announcement
Temple University Police have issued an advisory regarding a robbery with a gun involving a Temple student and an employee Thursday, Jan. 3, at 5:50 p.m. outside 1426 W. Venango Street, west of the Health Sciences campus.
January 4, 2013
Temple Hospital staff makes a special moment possible
Type: News Story
Hospitalized for infection, retired Temple Police Commander Ike Johnstone would not have been able to see his son Lance inducted into the Athletics Hall of Fame without special service by Temple University Hospital staff. As part of a multidisciplinary effort led by chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery T.
October 12, 2012
Sleep deprivation and postpartum weight gain are focus of new study
Type: News Story
Temple researcher Sharon Herring will begin studying whether sleep loss contributes to postpartum weight gain in new mothers. Funded by a $486,000 Clinical Scientist Development Award from the Doris Duke Foundation, the study will focus on urban, low-income mothers, who have the highest levels of obesity in America.
July 10, 2012
Peace sculpture recognizes Dental School’s global outreach
Type: News Story
The Kornberg School of Dentistry recently unveiled a seven-foot, 800-pound bronze “Tree of Peace” sculpture created by UNESCO Artist for Peace Hedva Ser in recognition of the school's efforts to secure peace by improving oral health around the world.
May 14, 2012
Obesity study focuses on healthy nutrition in group homes
Type: News Story
Researchers at Temple's Center for Obesity Research and Education are exploring whether education on healthy nutrition can help people with developmental disabilities who live in community homes to lose weight.
April 23, 2012
Faces of Temple: Akhila Vasthare
Type: News Story
In the latest installment of the student profile series, fourth-year medical student Akhila Vasthare discusses her motivation to touch lives outside the hospital by teaching a Yoga class that promotes physical wellness among middle-school students in a Philadelphia immigrant community.
March 25, 2012
Collection of dental relics catalogued in online database
Type: News Story
A new online database makes the entire Historical Dental Museum Collection at Temple's Kornberg School of Dentistry viewable to the general public.
March 20, 2012
Study shows how high-fat diets increase colon cancer risk
Type: News Story
A study led by Carmen Sapienza, professor of pathology in Temple’s Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Biology, may explain why eating too much fat and sugar puts a person at greater risk for colon cancer.
March 6, 2012
Literacy program gives families a pathway to postsecondary education
Type: News Story
Offered in partnership with the Community College of Philadelphia, the Center for Social Policy and Community Development's “Making the Dream of College Come True” program provides literacy and life-skill classes to help families plan their path to postsecondary education.
January 30, 2012
Protein in the brain could be a key target in controlling Alzheimer’s
Type: News Story
Temple researchers have discovered that a protein in the brain could play a key role in regulating the creation of amyloid beta, the major component of plaques implicated in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
January 23, 2012
TU Health System and Fox Chase Cancer Center sign affiliation agreement
Type: News Story
Temple University Health System and Fox Chase Cancer Center signed an affiliation agreement today that moves both institutions closer to bringing Fox Chase Cancer Center into the Temple family. The affiliation will enable Temple to grow and enhance its cancer-related patient-care, research and educational programs within its healthcare enterprise.
December 15, 2011
Pharmaceutical Expert Magid Abou-Gharbia
Type: Person of Interest
Forensic podiatry club offers students a new way to think about feet
Type: News Story
Mike Sganga took a course in forensics — the art of crime solving — and discovered an interest that stayed with him as he began his studies in Temple’s School of Podiatric Medicine.
February 7, 2011
Kornberg’s Lisa Poole Deem appointed to PA State Board of Dentistry
Type: News Story
Lisa Poole Deem, D.M.D., J.D., recently became the first full-time Temple dental faculty member appointed to the Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry.
February 28, 2008
