Lewis Katz School of Medicine
Temple medical researcher awarded $4.4 million in naval research funding
Type: In the Media
August 20, 2012
State hospitals closed but new treatment options lag behind, report finds
Type: In the Media
July 23, 2012
Puentes de Salud selected for Claneil Foundation's Emerging Leaders Fund
Type: Accolade
July 16, 2012
Sleep deprivation and postpartum weight gain are focus of new study
Type: News Story
Temple researcher Sharon Herring will begin studying whether sleep loss contributes to postpartum weight gain in new mothers. Funded by a $486,000 Clinical Scientist Development Award from the Doris Duke Foundation, the study will focus on urban, low-income mothers, who have the highest levels of obesity in America.
July 10, 2012
Temple research: Teen mothers have higher rate of vaginal births
Type: In the Media
May 16, 2012
Med student helped underserved from Philly to New Mexico
Type: News Story
Akhila Vasthare, M.D., Medicine. In between studying for medical classes, Vasthare focuses on improving the health of the surrounding community.
May 3, 2012
Obesity study focuses on healthy nutrition in group homes
Type: News Story
Researchers at Temple's Center for Obesity Research and Education are exploring whether education on healthy nutrition can help people with developmental disabilities who live in community homes to lose weight.
April 23, 2012
Pieces come together at Temple for speedcubing medical student
Type: News Story
First-year Temple School of Medicine student Stephanie Chow is a former world-record holder in speedcubing, the pursuit of solving the Rubik's Cube puzzle as quickly as possible. She says the skills she has honed through solving the cube have helped in her medical school classes.
March 26, 2012