Sociologists lend expertise for study and story on city’s high rate of deep poverty
March 21, 2013
In a front-page story published March 20, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Philadelphia has...
Grant establishes College of Education as national resource for education reform
March 7, 2013
As the result of a five-year grant of more than $1.4 million from the U.S....
Renowned poet, author Ishmael Reed to read from his works
February 21, 2013
This year marks two significant anniversaries in African-American history: 150 years since the...
Praising effort in toddlers predicts positive attitudes toward challenges
February 11, 2013
Toddlers who receive parental praise directed at their efforts more than they...
Exhibit of Indian miniature paintings represents 12 years of collaboration
February 6, 2013
It started out as a short trip to India in the summer of 2001 by a few of Jayasinhji Jhala's...
Temple faculty featured on acclaimed public radio program
January 30, 2013
It's been just 30 days since the start of the new year and already four Temple...
New center aims to help region's leaders address challenging public policy issues
January 23, 2013
Last week, more than 100 invited governmental, business, labor and non-profit...
Public archeology project embraces Philly's immigrant past
December 20, 2012
Often archaeologists prefer to keep the public as far away from their sites as...
Let crying babes lie: Study supports notion of leaving infants to cry themselves back to sleep
December 13, 2012
Today, new parents often find themselves confronting a common dilemma: Should they...
Professor’s new book explores Main Street mystique
November 20, 2012
  Main Street has fascinated Miles Orvell for years. It began in his youth, he says,...
