
Emergency resources every Owl should know about

Fam, we’re clearly all about saving that $$$. And, we totally know that $$$ is stressful, especially while you’re in college. That’s why we’re here to remind you that Temple has a bunch of resources to help you get through rough times. Cherry Pantry (our on-campus food bank in the Student Center) is available for all students and just got a crazy big donation. So, shelves=stocked. Before ever considering skipping a meal or leaving Temple (noooooo) check out these services that can help you stay on track.  

Temple Today Email Information
Temple University student newsletter Nutshell shares on-campus resources to help students get through difficult times.

How To Ball On A College Budget

Just being a Temple student gives you the automatic right to brag at the family table over the holidays. Or any day. Nutshell’s coming at you with something else to brag about: How you figured out how to be financially savvy and save a few bucks while maintaining an Instagram-worthy lifestyle. Here is our list of some of the best college student discounts, programs, resources and free things to do that Philly has to offer. You’re welcome.

Temple Today Email Information
Temple University’s student newsletter Nutshell provides students with a guide on how students can maximize their time on campus without breaking the bank.
