
Temple’s Violence Reduction Task Force releases report and recommendations

After convening last March, the task force’s work led it to eight key recommendations, which will be used to help inform both immediate and long-term solutions to help combat gun violence in the Philadelphia region.

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The Violence Reduction Task Force has released recommendations to help address the gun violence epidemic.

Jennifer Griffin highlights need for collaborative approach in addressing public safety issues

Securing a Safer City: An Inclusive Neighborhood Growth Issue Forum, held by the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia, addressed crime, drug use, gun violence, public safety and their combined impacts on the city.

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Temple University sponsors forum hosted by Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia.

Understanding American Gun Violence Part 1: The evolution of America’s relationship with firearms

Experts from Temple University are tackling the issue of gun violence from a variety of angles. They shared context which helps us understand how America’s gun violence has risen to the levels it has, and what we can do to make the country a safer place.

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Experts on gun violence from Temple University share context about America’s gun violence crisis and propose solutions to make the country a safer place.

Understanding American Gun Violence Part 2: How to solve the American gun epidemic

Experts from Temple University are tackling the issue of gun violence from a variety of angles. They explain what can be done to permanently address America’s gun violence epidemic.

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Experts studying gun violence at Temple University explain how to eradicate the gun violence epidemic.

A roundup of Temple events helping local families for Thanksgiving

Temple University contributed to helping North Philadelphia communities in need by donating meal boxes for families around Thanksgiving.

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Temple University donates turkeys and holiday meals for families in need across North Philadelphia.

Eco-friendly faces: Meet Temple’s EcoReps advocating for a sustainable campus

Students in Temple’s EcoRep peer education program lead sustainability and climate action initiatives across the university.

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The EcoRep peer education program trains and develops students as promoters and leaders of sustainability and climate action.

Finals week 2024 edition

With exams right around the corner, here are some ways to prepare for the weeks ahead.

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Learn more about how you can actively prepare for finals and make it through with ease.
