
WHYY’s Radio Times with Mary Moss-Coane - April 16, 2010

Media Outlet: 

WHYYs Radio Times with Mary Moss-Coane

Radio Times aired host
Marty Moss-Coane’s off-site interview, recorded April 14th, at the Chestnut Hill
Presbyterian Church. The segment of "Radio Times on the Road" featured a panel
discussing the upcoming Pennsylvania elections, including closely watched primary
races for U.S. Senate and Pennsylvania governor. Panelists included Michael Hagen, a
professor of political science at Temple University; G. Terry Madonna, professor of
public affairs at Franklin & Marshall College; and Tom Ferrick of Metropolis, a


KYW News Radio - April 18

Media Outlet: 

KYW News Radio

Temple is holding a contest, called Flat Hooter, for
the most creative and interesting photos capturing school spirit. Ingrid Heim, assistant vice president for Advancement Communications, says Flat Hooter owes a lot
to Flat Stanley: "Primary school classrooms encourage students to send a Flat
Stanley around the country and take pictures of him in front of various landmarks,
and universities have been picking up on this idea as just sort of a fun,
affinity-building, goofy activity."


April 18

There is link to
this report.
Music once again creates an ambiance here at the Baptist Temple.
Mayor Nutter cut the ribbon to breathe new life into this 119-year-old building here
in North Philadelphia. The $30 million refurbishment and renovation project has
taken two years to complete. This restoration, of course, is a part of the growing
revitalization of the Temple campus. Executive Director Charles Bethea says it's
just another flower blossoming here on North Broad Street. Recently, developers have


Philadelphia Inquirer - April 19, 2010

Media Outlet: 

Philadelphia Inquirer

The Phanatic's new hot dog launcher propels
franks with a tank of compressed nitrogen. The old launcher used carbon dioxide.
Robert Levis, chairman of Temple University's chemistry department, said the change
from carbon dioxide shouldn't make much difference in firing just one shot. It's the
pressure that matters. But for repeated firing, he said, nitrogen has the edge.
"You're just not going to get that many rapid-fire shots with the CO2 in comparison
with the same amount of nitrogen," Levis said.


USA Today - April 19

Media Outlet: 

USA Today

Filmmaker Barr Weissman spent nearly six years making The
Secret to a Happy Ending, a documentary about Southern rock band the Drive-By
Truckers. The film arrives at an opportune time for the Truckers, who have a new
album and a growing fan base. The film delves into subjects as diverse as the
legacies of the Tennessee Valley Authority and the late Alabama Gov. George Wallace
and the prevalence of alcoholism and trailer-park meth labs. "This is a very


Wall Street Journal - April 19, 2010

Media Outlet: 

Wall Street Journal

The Securities and Exchange Commission's case
against Goldman Sachs Group largely comes down to a single word central to
securities law: material. Goldman will be judged on whether the information it
failed to tell its clients was material, meaning important or relevant, something a
buyer would want to know before buying. Peter Huang, a securities law professor at
Temple’s Beasley School of Law, agreed. "If you were buying something, you should


Philadelphia Inquirer - April 19, 2010

Media Outlet: 

Philadelphia Inquirer

Less than two miles north of the Academy of
Music on Broad Street, the Temple University Opera Theater has been consistently
presenting two superb shows each season, with little fanfare. This spring Temple is
presenting Leos Janacek's "The Cunning Little Vixen." John Douglas, in his 20th year
as music director and conductor, says he is past being concerned about any lack of
attention. "We're usually virtually sold out and may be able to schedule another

in_the_media - April 20, 2010


New York Daily News - April 21, 2010


Philadelphia Daily News - April 21, 2010
