February 4, 2019
The administration of Temple Student Government (TSG) wanted to leave a legacy on campus—and they’...

February 4, 2019
Anybody looking for the inspiration needed to earn a degree as an adult working full-time and...

December 3, 2018
Temple is participating in a significant new effort through which 130 public universities and...

November 1, 2018
I’m sexy and I know it (remember that LMFAO song? LMFAO.):
With your OWLcard, you have access to...

September 4, 2018
Welcome Wagon, an annual program that is paired with the Good Neighbor Initiative, will take place...

August 10, 2018
Temple's Give + Go Green and Surplus Property programs are co-winners of the Daniel G. Weisenbach...

May 29, 2018
In response to unprecedented levels of growth and development in the area, Philadelphia's...

March 26, 2018
Temple received its second grant of more than $25,000 to combat sexual assault on its campuses,...

March 22, 2018
Temple is a significant economic engine for both the City of Philadelphia and the Commonwealth of...

February 26, 2018
Since its inception in 2014, Temple's Fly in 4 program, aimed at helping students graduate on time...