
What on earth?

An exploration of the earth through dance

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GeoDance Theatre captures these earthly gyrations through dances with geologically inspired titles like the “Deep Time Waltz.” Through dance, geologic lecture, spoken word, video, costume and music, the show mixes scientific concepts with movements meant to mirror the similarities between the body and the planet. Conley received a Provost’s Commission on the Arts grant in support of the performance, which is sponsored by the Boyer College of Music and Dance

TUr door shuttle service


For young fathers, consistency starts at the beginning

According to a professor in the School of Social Administration, men who support their pregnant partners are more likely to stay in the picture after their child is born

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If a young father is there for the mother during the pregnancy, the chances are good that he will be there for the child during the early childhood years. That’s the conclusion of a recent study by Jay Fagan, a professor in Temple University’s School of Social Administration, and Natasha Cabrera, an associate professor at the University of Maryland.
