
Coffee, dogs and snacks: Achieve zen status at the Library's Crunch Time Café

Breathe in. We can’t believe classes are almost over. Breathe out. Breathe in. Once classes are done, that means finals, then grades, then a new year, then another semester. Breathe out. Are we calm yet? Is it summer? Where are we? Who are we really? Owls, if we learned anything this semester, it’s that achieving zen status ain't easy. Something else that we learned is the library’s Crunch Time Café events are the best way to relax, recharge and pet dogs. Yep, DOGS!!! All next week, shake your stress off with coffee, crafts, dogs, games, snacks and more dogs—basically everything we need to keep it 100, or at least in the high 90s.

Temple Today Email Information
Temple University student newsletter Nutshell offers a guide to the library's Crunch Time Café events during finals week.

Milk and business: 5 cool ventures that have worked with Blackstone LaunchPad

Nutshell has some serious #goals. Chief among them is becoming super famous and ultra rich and ditching this email gig for a career writing best-selling books (Milk and Squirrels, anyone?). We’re totes kidding; we have too much fun writing to you. But if we *were* serious, we’d know just the place to make our dreams come true: Blackstone LaunchPad. The free, on-campus resource has worked with the entrepreneurial Owls who created the parody book Milk and Vine; a cosmetics company that caters to all skin types; and so many other awesome ventures. It can help you, too.

Temple Today Email Information
Temple University student newsletter Nutshell shares a list of cool business that worked with Temple's Blackstone LaunchPad.
