How to thrive in college
College is hard. We asked Class of 2023 graduates to share the advice they would give their first-year selves if they could go back in time. Here’s what they told us.

Get involved. Expand your horizons. Learn to be your most authentic self.
These are just a few nuggets of wisdom from the recent graduates of the Class of 2023.
They shared the advice they would have given to their younger selves, and what they would tell incoming Temple students today. Sasha Averianov, statistical science and analytics major, said taking the opportunity to study abroad is one of the most important pieces of advice she could give. She met some of her closest friends during immersion weeks in Rome and South Africa. Although she wasn’t able to experience a full semester abroad because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sasha still had several options to create the perfect study away experience.
She also felt her college experience was important because her professors in Fox gave her opportunities she never had before. For example, Assistant Professor Samuel Rosen in the Department of Finance took a leap of faith in giving Sasha her first technical role with no prior experience.
“I really credit a lot of the success that I have in my professional life now to him taking that chance on me.”
College can be stressful. To help stay focused and calm, industrial and systems engineering major Morgan Schafer recommends focusing on the little moments of joy that occur day to day. She remembers a building a snowman on Beury Beach with her roommates during a snowstorm and cherishes that small, special moment to this day.
Biochemistry student Nisarg Patel recommends having fun and de-stressing with friends and classmates by attending Philly sports games, especially football games at Lincoln Financial Field. He mentioned that Philadelphia has had some truly exciting seasons in the past few years, and is one of the most fun sports towns to live in. “The pride that this city has is unmatched,” he said. He also loved going to Temple games (also at the Linc!), and says he’ll miss it.
For psychology major Cameron Barham, the college living experience has a range of joys, from being a leader in student organizations to making memories with your friends. To incoming first-year students, he recommends living life to the fullest by trying new things, meeting new people, and being open to new and different experiences.
“Never say no to anything, and just keep pushing for more,” he said.
In this video, these students (and more!) share what made the college experience more meaningful for them, and how you can apply this advice to get the most out of your time as an Owl.
Expand your horizons by checking out this list of student resources for ideas on clubs to join, health and wellness information, and support for finding the internship of your dreams.